Arc’s new issue is a special issue of poetry for children and youth. And we need your help to put Arc #69 in the hands of young readers!
We are all born with a love of language, a passion for expression and creativity. Babies babble, entertaining themselves with language. But as we get older, many people feel less free to play with words and lose touch with their creative impulses.
Teachers recognize the role poetry can have as a catalyst for unleashing students’ natural interest in language and encouraging their creativity and self-expression. But Canadian schools are constrained by limited budgets and limited time for developing new poetry resources.
That is why Arc Poetry Magazine put together a special issue of poetry for children and youth. And now you can help us put this unique Canadian poetry collection into the hands of young readers across the country by contributing to our campaign at http://www.indiegogo.com/Arc-mag
With your support, we’re packing up class sets of our special kids issue, adding ready-to-use lesson plans and teacher resources, and sending Poetry-in-a-Box out to a network of talented teachers across the country that are standing by to bring contemporary, Canadian poetry into their students’ lives.
To help Arc put poetry into the hands of young readers go to http://www.indiegogo.com/Arc-mag
*If you can’t donate today, you can help us by sharing the campaign on facebook or twitter, or telling friends, or commenting on the campaign on IndieGoGo. Thank you!*
While we have your attention, if you’re a high-school teacher who wants to be on the receiving end of the Arc poetry-class-in-a-box, check this out — and raise your hand by emailing classroom@arcpoetry.ca with your shipping details — we’ll put you on the list!