Reviews A Collection of Ephemera: Natasha Ramoutar’s Baby Cerberus Mormei Zanke “My body is a hurt / where tall grasses grow, where / clouds pass, where rain sinks”: Brandi Bird’s The All + Flesh Jean Van Loon “How many ways could there be, after all, to be human?”: Robert Bringhurst’s The Ridge Kim Trainor Echoes of Experience: Anne-Marie Turza’s Fugue With Bedbug Michael Edwards “Dangerous Poems”: A Review of Lynn Tait’s You Break It, You Buy It Kate Rogers Poems of Family, Present and Past: Mark Frutkin on Doris Fiszer’s If I Were a River Mark Frutkin How to Close Read a Family: Quiet Night Think by Gillian Sze Jane Shi Historical Redress: Entre Rive and Shore by Dominique Bernier-Cormier Joseph Kidney Serious Play: body works by Dennis Cooley Al Rempel “like mother like daughter like matter like water”: Fire Cider Rain by Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin Frances Boyle The Jewelled Pomegranate: Kim Fahner’s Emptying the Ocean Kate Rogers Palimpsest and Play: Anstee’s Typewritten Explorations and Invitations Dessa Bayrock
“My body is a hurt / where tall grasses grow, where / clouds pass, where rain sinks”: Brandi Bird’s The All + Flesh Jean Van Loon
“like mother like daughter like matter like water”: Fire Cider Rain by Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin Frances Boyle