
Tamarack Prize

$250 Prize

The Tamarack Prize is awarded to an outstanding poem pub­lished in Arc in the pre­ced­ing year. Selected by a promi­nent mem­ber of Canada’s lit­er­ary com­mu­ni­ties, the award includes a $250 prize.

Arc Poetry Mag­a­zine’s Tamarack Prize was previously named Confederation Poet’s Prize, in recog­ni­tion of a group of Cana­dian poets who were born around the time of Cana­dian Con­fed­er­a­tion. The term was first applied and usu­ally refers to Charles G.D. Roberts, Bliss Car­man, Archibald Lamp­man and Dun­can Camp­bell Scott. Lamp­man and Scott, as well their con­tem­po­rary William Wil­fred Camp­bell, lived and wrote in Ottawa. The prize is now named after the Tamarack Review, a Canadian literary magazine that published in Ontario from 1956 to 1982.

Arc hon­ours the wealth of new Cana­dian poetry.

As all poems published in Arc are included; entries are not required.

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