In my motherland I am deemed criminal for being woman. My laughter is crime as is my voice in song. My touch forbidden in case it tear the frail guise of morality. My hair kept hidden away lest it become a noose for my own neck. The time has come to unravel the tangled sorrows of our days. Silence was never becoming of generations robbed in the cradle, of light and shadow. Hand-in-hand, our bodies sway in harmony to an age-old freedom cry. Do they not know that Iran is herself a woman? Her abundant rivers may have dried at the neglect of her captors, her vast skies shrouded in decades of darkness. But she is Woman, Eternal Mother, and her fearless children have risen to her defense. Louder and louder our wrath turns in gyres around decaying talons wrapped for decades around our throats. Our blood flows a crimson red down alleyways of broken childhoods where liberty will soon grow
S. G. Moradi
S. G. Moradi is an Iranian-Canadian poet and literary scholar. She completed her Ph.D. in English Literature at Queen’s University where she also taught as a Teaching Fellow and served on the editorial board of The Lamp. Her previous work includes translations of the compiled poems of Omar Khayyam from Farsi to English. Her poetry is forthcoming in Stoneboat Literary Journal. [provided for the poem “The Women of My Motherland”]