my mind is a sun-shower
my body a river
an ocean a stream a lake
water aches within
pebbles churn
corals bloom
whales sing
but during my last deep dive
to the breathless place
ankles tangled
in salty seaweed thought
heavy anchored me
into vast depths
I was
caught in nameless net
facing endless abyss
inner alchemist surfaced
I overcame oxygen
and merged with the world
the same way
sunlight dissolves within waves

Megan Nega
Megan Nega is a poet, writer, and artist from Calgary, Alberta. Her poetry has appeared in Freefall and NewForum literary magazines. In her spare time, Megan enjoys searching for wildflowers, watercolour painting, and sharing her thoughts on all things writerly and literary on her blog, Writer’s Hearth. You can visit her website at .