Guernica Editions “Dangerous Poems”: A Review of Lynn Tait’s You Break It, You Buy It Kate Rogers “my feet hurt, as if I’d walked for years toward this quiet wind”: Adele Graf’s buckled into the sky Jean Van Loon They Arrested the Windows: Changing the Face of Canadian Literature, edited by Dane Swan Jan Conn Self-Portrait in Shadow and Light: A Map of Rain Days by Jennifer Hosein Kate Rogers Quintessential Heroics: Crito Di Volta by Marc Di Saverio Beards, Orchids and Hangers: Downtown Flirt by Peter Jickling A Loving Bond: The Long Bond: Selected and New Poems by Allan Briesmaster A Society of Dead Poets: Insult to the Brain Nicola Vulpe Madmen and Specialists: George Elliott Clarke’s Canticles I (MMXVI) To write a black poem: Austin Clarke’s In Your Crib Seeing Clearly, Looking Deeply: Len Gasparini’s Mirror Image
“my feet hurt, as if I’d walked for years toward this quiet wind”: Adele Graf’s buckled into the sky Jean Van Loon