my google maps location history is a peony close-petalled identical circles layered: home/work/home/work/home/work/home and the same kilometer of beach on infinite loop they say peonies need ants to nibble through their seals but it's spring that pries open my tight-balled days to admit cherry blossoms on the way to work and at the beach, as my dog examines and re-examines each tide-tumbled stone with his soft black nose: sunrise, mixing pink lemonade into waves and sunset – oystercatchers, their long, papaya beaks their morse-code cries
Zoe Dickinson
Zoe Dickinson is a poet and bookseller from Victoria, BC. She has been published in literary journals such as Existere, Prairie Fire, and Contemporary Verse 2. Her first chapbook, Public Transit, was published in 2015 by Leaf Press, and her second chapbook, intertidal: poems from the littoral zone, is the 2022 winner of the Raven Chapbook competition. She is a manager at Russell Books and the Artistic Director of the Planet Earth Poetry Reading Series. [provided in 2023]