h3. Audrey Alexandra Brown: Bestseller, West-coast Romantic
p. *Rediscovered by Kim Blank, fellow Westerner*
!))<https://arcpoetry.ca/images/fn_poets/audrey_alexandra_brown.gif 160w 230h (Audrey Alexandra Brown 1904-1998, a rediscovered Canadian poet)!
p. Literary history suddenly dropped Audrey Alexandra Brown (1904-1998) like a hot potato. Despite the accolades, the awards, and the best wishes of those who early on championed her work–and those who may have played upon the fact that she was crippled by rheumatic fever–she was bull-dozed by modernism and professional literary critics. She was aware of what was happening, but helpless to stop it. Her failing, she claimed, was that she had no real experience of life.
h4. About Essayist Kim Blank
p. Kim Blank’s books, articles, chapters, reviews, and newspaper columns range over numerous disciplines and topics, from literary criticism and media studies to humour and conflict theory. He is also a poet, playwright, and frequent media consultant on pop culture. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia, where he is a professor of literature and cultural studies at the University of Victoria.