Lost and Found Poet #2: Avi Boxer

h3. Avi Boxer: 1950s Montreal East-end Poet and Protégé of Irving Layton
p. *Rediscovered by Avi Boxer’s son, Asa Boxer*
!((>https://arcpoetry.ca/images/fn_poets/avi_boxer.gif 160w 215h (Avi Boxer 1932-1987, a rediscovered Canadian poet)!
p. Avi Boxer was a Montreal East-end poet who flourished during the 1950’s literary foment alongside A.M. Klein, F.R. Scott, Louis Dudeck, Irving Layton and Leonard Cohen. In his review-essay of _No Address_ (Avi Boxer’s only collection of poems), Asa Boxer discusses the successes and failures of his father’s work in the context of The Montreal School of the past and of today. “The Branch from which I Fell” is an essay that works to define a branch of the Montreal School and its ambitions, struggling to establish the author’s own place within the nascent tradition. Boxer’s evaluation of his own father’s work is at once respectfully honest and movingly heartfelt.

h4. About Essayist Asa Boxer
p. Asa Boxer (1973- ) was born and raised in Montreal. His first book-length collection of poems, [_The Mechanical Bird_], is upcoming with Signal Editions this autumn, and appears in Vehicule’s fall 2007 catalogue. He is a winner of McGill’s Mona Adilman Prize for Poetry and the CBC/enRoute poetry competition. Several poems of his have been anthologized in Vehicule press’ _The New Canon_ (2005) and in _Memoir D’encrier press’ Montreal vue par ses poetes_ (2006). His poem, “To Needle the Earth,” was published by Oxford Poetry Broadsides 2005-2007, and his poems have appeared in the esteemed UK magazine, [_Poetry London_]. In 1993, Asa moved to Israel, where he remained for close to 10 years. He pursued a BA in History and English Literature at the Hebrew University at Jerusalem. In 2002, Boxer returned to Montreal where he earned an MA from McGill’s English Literature program. When he is not writing poetry, Boxer is an incisive and uncompromising literary critic and essayist who has published with [_Books in Canada_], [_Canadian Notes & Queries_], [_Maisonneuve_], and [_Arc_].

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