Tim Bowling has published numerous poetry collections, including Low Water Slack; Dying Scarlet (winner of the Stephan G. Stephansson Award for Poetry); Darkness and Silence (winner of the Canadian Authors Association Award for Poetry); The Witness Ghost and The Memory Orchard (both nominated for the Governor General’s Literary Award); and his Selected Poems (winner of the Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize). Bowling’s work in poetry and prose has been honoured with two Canadian Authors Association Awards; two Writers’ Trust of Canada nominations; a Guggenheim Fellowship; five Alberta Book Awards; the Acorn-Plantos People’s Poetry Award; and a Roderick Haig-Brown Award nomination. Bowling served as the 2015 Canadian judge for the Griffin International Poetry Prize. [from the Harbour Publishing website]
Tim Bowling
2012 / 2013
Arc is proud to welcome poet and novelist Tim Bowling as Poet-in-Residence. Tim is the author of 10 books of poetry including the Canadian Authors’ Association Award-winning Darkness and Silence and the Governor General’s Award finalists The Witness Ghost and The Memory Orchard.
His most recent book, Tenderman (Nightwood, 2011), takes advantage of the subtleties of voicing in dialogue, monologue and lyric to explore “the dichotomy between the sensitive poetic observer and the tough, working-class subject.” The book has been nominated for the Acorn-Plantos Poetry Award.