Barbara Pelman is a retired high school English teacher, born in Vancouver and now living in Victoria. She is a frequent participant and assistant at Planet Earth Poetry, the weekly poetry venue. She has three published books of poetry: One Stone (Ekstasis Editions 2005), Borrowed Rooms (Ronsdale Press 2008) and Narrow Bridge (Ronsdale Press 2017), a chapbook Aubade Amalfi (Rubicon Press 2016), and a manuscript to be published Spring 2023 by Caitlin Press.
In 2018 her glosa, “Nevertheless” won the Malahat Open Season Poetry Contest. Previously, in 2004 and in 2014, she won the BC Federation of Writers’ poetry contest. Her poems can be found in literary journals and the anthologies “Refugium” and “Sweet Water” (Caitlin Press), and “In Fine Form” (Caitlin Press) as well as on the buses. [provided with the poem “SH’MA: HEAR”]