Books Received 2011

Arc accepts review copies and advance reading copies of books of and on poetry from Canadian and international publishers. The books reviewed online and in print by Arc are selected by the reviewers, the reviews editor and the editor, based on aesthetic and thematic considerations, timing and space. The following list is an account of the books submitted in 2011 to Arc.


William Aide, Pieces in My Hands. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2010.

George Amabile, Dancing, with Mirrors. Erin, Ontario: The Porcupine’s Quill, 2011.

M.R. Appell, This Is Just To Say. Carbonear, Newfoundland: self-published, 2011.

John Mikhail Asfour, Blindfold. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.

C.R. Avery, 38 Bar Blues. Long Beach, California: Write Bloody Books, 2011.

Ken Babstock, Methodist Hatchet. Toronto: House of Anansi, 2011.

Chris Banks, Winter Cranes. Toronto: ECW Press, 2011.

Sandra Barry, Elizabeth Bishop: Nova Scotia’s “Home-made” Poet. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2011.

derek beaulieu, Seen of the Crime. Montreal: Snare Books, 2011.

Jonathan Bennet, Civil and Civic. Toronto: ECW Press, 2011.

Nina Berkhout, Arrivals and Departures. Ottawa: BuschekBooks, 2010.

Julie Berry, the walnut-cracking machine. Ottawa: BuschekBooks, 2010.

Linda Besner, The Id Kid. Montreal: Signal Editions, 2011.

E.D. Blodgett, Sleep, You, a Tree. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2011.

E.D. Blodgett, trans. Marzia Paton. Praha. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011.

Michael Blouin,Wore Down Trust: a blues in three lives. Toronto: Pedlar Press, 2011.

E.D. Blodgett, A Pirouette and Gone. Ottawa: BuschekBooks, 2010.

Stephanie Bolster, A Page from The Wonders of Life on Earth. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Alanna F. Bondar, There are many ways to die while travelling in Peru. Sudbury, Ontario: Scrivener Press, 2011.

Roo Borson, Rain; road; an open boat. Toronto: McClelland & Steward, 2012.

Tim Bowling, Tenderman. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011.

Asa Boxer, Skullduggery. Montreal: Signal Editions, 2011.

Dionne Brand, Chronicles: Early Works. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2011.

Di Brandt, Walking to Mojacar. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2010.

Elizabeth Brewster, Time & Seasons. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2009.

Russell Morton Brown and Donna Bennett, eds., The Collected Poems of Patrick Lane. Medeira Park, British Columbia: Harbour Publishing, 2011.

Wanda Campbell, Daedalus had a Daughter. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2011.

Emily Carr, 13 ways to happily. Anderson, South Carolina: Parlor Press, 2011.

Terry Ann Carter, A Crazy Man Thinks He’s Ernest in Paris. Windsor, Ontario: Black Moss Press, 2010.

Sam Cheuk, Love Figures. London, Ontario: Insomniac Press, 2011

Meira Cook, A Walker in the City. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Louise Cotnoir, trans. Oana Avasilichioaei. The Islands. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn, 2011.

Lorna Crozier, Small Mechanics. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011.

Tadeusz Dabrowski, Black Square. Brookline, Massachusetts: Zephyr Press, 2011.

Mary di Michele, The Flower of Youth. Toronto: ECW Press, 2011.

Jeffery Donaldson, Guesswork. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Goose Lane Editions, 2010.

Glen Downie, Local News. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn, 2011.

Rishma Dunlop, Lover Through Departure, New and Selected Poems. Toronto, Ontario: Mansfield Press, 2011.

Louise Dupré, trans. Erín Moure. Just Like Her. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn, 2011.

kevin mcpherson eckhoff, Easy Peasy. Montreal: Snare Books, 2011.

Mona Fertig,The Unsettled. Vernon, British Columbia: Kalamalka Press, 2010.

Field Stone Poets, Whistle for Jellyfish. Toronto, Ontario: Bookland Press, 2011.

Gabe Foreman, A Complete Encyclopedia of Different Kinds of People. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

Katerina Fretwell, Angelic Scintillations. Toronto: Inanna, 2011.

Jeff W. Fyfe, poem enough. Ottawa, Ontario: Baico Publishing, 2011.

Sue Goyette, outskirts. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Andreas Gripp, Perennial: Poems Selected & New Volume 2. London, Ontario: Harmonia Press, 2010.

Helen Guri, Match. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

S. Ronald Hacker, Mostly Humorous Poems. Ottawa, Ontario. Baico Publishing, 2011.

Jamella Hagen, Kerosene. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011

Aurian Haller, Song of the Taxidermist. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Goose Lane Editions, 2010.

Jack Hannan, Some Frame.Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2011.

Warren Heiti, Hydrologos. Toronto: Pedlar Press, 2011.

Brian Henderson, Sharawadji. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Tom Henighan, Time’s Fools. Ottawa: Stone Flower Press, 2010.

David Hickey,Open Air Bindery. Emeryville, Ontario: Biblioasis, 2011.

Dianna Hicks Morrow, What Really Happened Is This. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Acorn Press, 2011.

Jessica Hiemstra-Van Der Horst, Apologetic for Joy. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Goose Lane Editions, 2011.

Cornelia Hoogland, Woods Wolf Girl. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn, 2011.

Sean Howard, incitements. Kentville, Nova Scotia: Gaspereau Press, 2011.

Maureen Hynes, Marrow, Willow. Toronto: Pedlar Press, 2011.

Inge Israel, Beckett Soundings. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2011.

Sally Ito, Alert to Glory. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2011.

Luke Hathaway, Groundwork. Emeryville, Ontario: Biblioasis, 2011.

Luke Hathaway, The Essential Richard Outram. Erin, Ontario: The Porcupine’s Quill, 2011.

Sean Johnston, The Ditch Was Lit Like This. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2011.

Jim Johnstone, Sunday the Locusts. Toronto: Tightrope Books, 2011.

Georgia Jones-Davis, Blue Poodle. Georgetown, Kentucky: Finishing Line Press, 2011

Daniel Jones, The Brave Never Write Poetry. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

Paul Kelley, Matter’s Music/ Researches. Ottawa: BuschekBooks, 2010.

Pen Kemp, Helwa! London, Ontario: PigeonBike Press, 2011.

Leigh Kotsilidis, Hypotheticals. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

Ken Kowal, Gimp Crow. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2010.

G.P.Lainsbury, Versions of North. Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia: Caitlin Press, 2011.

Laura Moss, ed. Leaving the Shade of the Middle Ground: The Poetry of F.R. Scott. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2011.

Jonarno Lawson,There Devil, Eat That. Toronto, Ontario: Pedlar Press, 2011.

Dorothy Livesay, Day and Night. Fernie, British Columbia: Oolichan Books, 2011.

Laura Lush, Carapace. Kingsville, Ontario: Palimpsest Press, 2011.

MacGregor, Tom, Maple Across The Road and Other Poems. Ottawa: Baico Publishing, 2010.

Kath MacLean, Kat Among the Tigers. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2011.

Eli Mandel, From Room to Room: The Poetry of Eli Mandel. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2010.

Manolis, Vernal Equinox. Victoria, British Columbia: Ekstasis Editions, 2011.

Manolis, Vortex. Surrey, British Columbia: Libros Libertad, 2011.

Seymour Mayne, Ricochet. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011.

Susan McCaslin, Demeter Goes Skydiving. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2011.

David McGimpsey, Li’l Bastard. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

Leopold McGinnis, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea. Calgary: University of Alberta Press, 2010.

rob mclennan, wild horses. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2010.

Susan McMaster, ed., Pith & Wry: Canadian Poetry. Sudbury, Ontario: Your Scrivener Press, 2011.

Susan McMaster, Paper Affair. Windsor, Ontario: Black Moss Press, 2010.

Kevin McNeilly, Embouchure. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011.

Peter Midgley, perhaps I should/miskien moet ek. Vernon, British Columbia: Kalamalka Press, 2011.

Jacob McArthur Mooney, Folk. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011.

Sachiko Murakami, Rebuild. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2011.

Susan Musgrave, Origami Dove. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011.

Jude Neale, Only the Fallen Can See. Lantzville, British Columbia: Leaf Press, 2011.

Lillian Necakov, Hooligans. Toronto, Ontario: Mansfield Press, 2011.

Shane Neilson, Gunmetal Blue: A Memoir. Kingsville, Ontario: Palimpsest Press, 2011.

Michael Pacey, The First Step. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2011.

Marianne Paul, Above and Below the Waterline. Toronto: Bookland Press, 2011.

Michael Penny, Particles. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.

Sasenarine Persaud, Lantana Strangling Ixora. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 2011.

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Love Cake. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 2011.

E. Alex Pierce,Vox Humana. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Pearl Pirie, Thirsts. Montreal: Snare Books, 2011.

Adam Pottle, beautiful mutants. Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia: Caitlin Press, 2011.

Matt Rader, A Doctor Pedalled Her Bicycle Across the River Arno. Toronto: House of Anansi, 2011.

R.L. Raymond, Sonofabitch Poems. London, Ontario: PigeonBike Press, 2011.

Shane Rhodes, Err. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011.

Robin Richardson, Grunt of the Minotaur. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 2011.

Sandra Ridley, Fallout. Winnipeg: Hagios Press, 2010.

Sandra Ridley, Post-Apothecary. Toronto: Pedlar Press, 2011.

Yannis Ritsos, trans. Manolis, ed. April Leaf. Yannis Ritsos Poems: Selected Books. Surrey, British Columbia: Libros Libertad, 2011.

Rivera, Patria, Be. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2011.

Stan Rogel, Dance, Monster! London, Ontario: Insomniac Press, 2011.

Mary Rose, Poems and Prose. Ottawa: Baico Publishing, 2011.

Kerry Ryan, Vs. Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2010.

Jenny Samprisi, Croak. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.

Sarah-Marie. My Secret Spot. Calgary: Pacific Sand Storm Productions, 2011.

Robyn Sarah, Undercurrents.Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2011.

Gregory Scofield, Louis: The Heretic Poems. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011.

Ann Scowcroft, The Truth of Houses. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Glenn Shaheen, Predatory. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburg Press, 2011.

Goran Simic, Sunrise in the Eyes of the Snowman. Emeryville, Ontario: Biblioasis, 2010.

Bren Simmers, Night Gears. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn, 2010.

Anne Simpson, Is. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011.

John Slater, Surpassing Pleasure. Erin, Ontario: The Porcupine’s Quill, 2011.

Richard Sommer, Cancer Songs. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2011.

Carmine Starnino, John Glassco and the Other Montreal. Victoria, British Columbia: Frog Hollow Press, 2011.

Dean Steadman, their blue drowning. Victoria, British Columbia: Frog Hollow Press, 2010.

Robert Earl Stewart, Campfire Radio Rhapsody. Toronto: Mansfield Press, 2011.

Jennifer Still, Girlwood. London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2011.

Cathy Stonehouse, Grace Shiver. Toronto: Inanna, 2011.

Gillian Sze, The Anatomy of Clay. Toronto: ECW Press, 2011.

Proma Tagore, language is not the only thing that breaks. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.

Bruce Taylor, No End in Strangeness. Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2011.

Rob Taylor, The Other Side of Ourselves. Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2011.

Sharon Thesen, Oyama Pink Shale. Toronto: House of Anansi, 2011.

Rachel Thompson, Galaxy. Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2011.

Nick Thran, Earworm. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood, Editions, 2011.

Carey Toane, The Crystal Palace. Toronto: Mansfield Press, 2011.

Ilya Tourtidis, Paths of Descent and Devotion. Surrey, British Columbia: Libros Libertad, 2010.

Ilya Tourtidis, Bright Bardo. Surrey, British Columbia: Libros Libertad, 2010.

Lesley Trites, Echoic Mimic. Montreal: Snare Books, 2011.

Joshua Trotter, All This Could be Yours. Emeryville, Ontario: Biblioasis, 2010.

Yi-Mei Tsiang, Sweet Delivery. Fernie, British Columbia: Oolichan Books, 2011.

Ursula Vaira, And See What Happens. Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia: Caitlin Press, 2011.

Leslie Vryenhoek, Gulf. Fernie, British Columbia: Oolichan Books, 2011.

Richard Wagamese, Runaway Dreams. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2011.

Asoka Weerasinghe, Memories. Gloucester, Ontario: Gloucester Spoken Art, 2010.

Calvin Wharton, The Song Collides. Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2011.

Carleton Wilson, The Material Sublime. Gibsons, British Columbia: Nightwood Editions, 2011.

Jan Zwicky, Forge. Kentville, Nova Scotia: Gaspereau Press, 2011.


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